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Image by Siyan Ren


Squirrel Girl

Everyone has a memory that revolves around finally being allowed to do something. Finally being old enough to stay up late, finally knowing enough words to read a certain book, or, like Asia in the play, finally being tall enough to ride a roller coaster! It’s exciting to reach new heights, to do new things, to make new friends. What can be equally as exciting as it is terrifying is facing a new fear.


In Tall Enough, we follow a group of students with an infectious passion for physics and a strong determination. This year, they are determined to win the Wild Ride Physics Challenge, and with their combined talents, there’s no way they’ll lose! But when Asia expresses concerns about actually riding the roller coaster when they win, the whole team has to come together to help her overcome her fear. While the play focuses heavily on physics and the academic achievements of the different students, we also get to see a colorful cast of characters that have their own strengths and weaknesses. More than that, we see a strong group of young people that share a mutual love of science showcase friendship in their undying loyalty and creative chants.


Overall, the title of Tall Enough is about more than reaching the height requirement for your favorite roller coaster. The play helps show to students that all of them are smart enough, brave enough, talented enough, and, yes, tall enough exactly as they are. However, not all of us can be tall enough on our own. Sometimes, it takes good friends and teamwork to find out how we can, in our own ways, be tall enough. 

-Josephine Clarke


In a world not so different from our own, superheroes exist. They can look just like us or completely different. Either way, they protect the world and the people they love. In Squirrel Girl Goes to College we follow the college life of Doreen Green, better known as Squirrel Girl. Doreen is adjusting to a new environment, hoping to make great friends and to live a “normal” life. What she soon discovers is that her idea of normal is impossible if she does not accept herself for the superhero she is. 


Doreen struggles with accepting both her identities as Squirrel Girl and Doreen Green. When we are faced with a new environment, away from the people we are used to seeing everyday, sometimes we can put on a mask we think people would like. But this just turns us into someone we are not. For Doreen, suppressing her superhero identity proves to be difficult when she must save her new friends from the supervillain Modoc. She learns that she does not have to be what everyone else around her is like and can be both her civilian self and her superhero self.


By turning the beloved comic book series of Squirrel Girl into a play, students are able to see real people portray these characters right before their eyes. Squirrel Girl is not like other superheroes. Her main method of taking down her enemies is by talking down a situation or coming up with a nonviolent solution. She does not resort to violence unless absolutely necessary. Because of this, she is the most undefeated superhero in the Marvel Universe. Doreen acts as a positive role model for young audiences because she shows that superheroes do not have to use their fists to get a positive outcome in conflict. You can use your words and reason to “bring down” the villains in your life.

-Carlie Goodlett

Tall Enough
Image by Piron Guillaume


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what is theatre etiquette?



Arrive on time. A play has no pause button, and you run the risk of distracting others if you’re being seated late.


Turn off any cell phones or other devices— a ringtone, or even a

simple text chime can interrupt the show.


Engage with the show. Theatre relies on the live participation of many different people: actors, stage tech, and you, the audience.


Laughing at jokes, applauding after exciting or impressive moments, and keeping side conversations to a minimum are all great ways to be a respectful audience member!


Your attention can also make the performance more interesting. A character might speak directly to the audience, or use the audience’s energy to help them through a scene.  


Remember: you are a guest in the theatre. Please wait until after the show to eat any food or chew gum, and limit any drinks to water.


Be careful with the seats— the Merle Reskin is an old building! Do not kick the seat in front of you, or yank on the arms too roughly. 

Your guide to


Now that you know what to expect in the theatre, let's learn about how to read your ticket!


Attributed Graphics

Special thanks to the following sources for the beautiful graphics used in this guide!


Special thanks to Wix for all graphics not previously mentioned on this site!


Special thanks to Google for all images in the social stories and timelines!

Attributed Graphics
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